Your Creative Maximum – TEDx Boggy Creek
Embrace the Animal
The Millennials’ Survival Guide – TEDx Toronto
A Game Worth Playing – TEDx Ft. Wayne
The Founder’s Fire Podcast
speaker you will love, Eric makes learning complex ideas fun, engaging, and best of all practical. Working with clients from the Fortune 100 to small business entrepreneurs, Eric has acquired a unique understanding of the critical systems, principles and training techniques that lead to business and personal success.The loss of workplace motivation and productivity in the U.S. is a direct result of decades of erosion in the meaningfulness of our work, says business strategist Eric Beck. In a visionary talk, he dismantles the outdated habit of “trading time for money” and explores a new way to engage the workforce (especially the digital generation) powered by a new reason to work: self improvement while producing extraordinary services and products.
Eric is one of the world’s most provocative thinkers about our society’s growing lack of meaning at work and the way to reconnect and empower the digital generational by creating a new “game worth playing” at work, in schools, and in our governments.
ric is the founder the Strategic MasterCoaching company Founder’s Fire where he along with a team of passionate coaches know how to grow and systemize businesses in a way that makes work a game worth playing.Mr. Beck holds a bachelor’s degree from Belmont University, is a twenty-nine time international martial arts medalist and has served as a Specialist in the United States Army National Guard. Before launching Founder’s Fire, he was the international Director of Training and a Business Coach for E-Myth Worldwide. He enjoys life with his family in beautiful Colorado.
Eric has written numerous articles on personal and organizational mastery and is a sought after keynote speaker and strategic consultant. Currently he is completing a book, “A Game Worth Playing: Reinventing Our Relationship to Work.”
Business Coach
For two decades Eric has worked with business owners and entrepreneurs with a growth mindset to help them create a game worth playing in their organizations.
Through a specific curriculum called Founder’s Fire and using a revolutionary software tool Spartakos™ Eric and his team guide, motivates, and creates accountability for results that grow his clients and their businesses towards their creative maximum.
Keynote Speaker
Toronto, CA
Burbank, CA
Atlanta, GA
Denver, CO
Aspen, CO
Ft Myers, FL
Ft. Wayne, IN
Rohnert Park, CA
Charlotte, NC
Charleston, SC
Orlando, FL
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
Louisville, KY
Centerville, OH
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Bristol Bay, Alaska
Seattle, WA
Pittsburgh, PA
Millennial Whisperer
Millennial Whispering in the art of translating analog into digital – put another way it’s when Eric listens to people born before 1980 and translates that to people born after 1990 in ways that don’t make both groups want to stick bicycle spokes in their eyes. Bridging this communication gap to leverage the wisdom and passion of both sides of the digital divide is the key necessary to unlock a team’s full potential.
“How do we build systems with soul?” A question Eric asks clients and audiences alike. Put another way, if we don’t build in meaning, reward, feedback, interaction into a human focused process…that process will under perform or outright fail. We have to restore dignity to work so that the future will be brighter than the past. The issue is to keep people from doing the work of a machine: repetitive, mundane, shallow work tasks. Instead, humans should do work that is deep: requires creativity, concentration, focus, and innovation.
Eric's Speaking Has Been Featured By
Fun Facts
Father of 6 (all boys)
Taught 9th Grade Logic
Plays Jazz Trumpet